Archive for mars 14th, 2019

Redmine migration

jeudi 14 mars 2019
  • In the old PHPmyAdmin, make an export of the redmine database (normal parameters: utf-8….)
  • Copy all folders : “files” + “ plugins” + Public/Themes/… (for attachments, plugins and theme)
    • for my Bitnami installation, the path was : /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs
  • In the new PHPmyAdmin (from the new Redmine you already installed), “drop all tables” from the “redmine” databaseImport your SQL file (from point 1)  )
  • Here, you may have to execute a “DB:migrate” command. I was under windows, I succeed with this one :

C:\Bitnami\redmine-3.3.3-1\apps\redmine\htdocs>c:\Bitnami\redmine-3.3.3-1\ruby\bin\bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

This means that you have to be in the htdocs folder of Redmine, and excecute the “bundle.exe” from Ruby….
  • Copy all the folders (files + plugins + themes) where they belongs . the “theme” was not at the same place on Synology as in BitnamiRestart your Redmine (I mean Apache and MySQL and probably ruby….. I don’t know, we are only using “packaged” installation like Bitnami or Docker)Your are done

. All users/tickets/preferences have been moved. All attachments also.

  1. If Ruby does not restart, then, delete plugins one after the other. One may be incompatible. I had the luck that there where a new version for my plugins working with my the new Redmine…