Category : 2 diabolos
Difficulty (313)
Groupe : 2 diabolos ,
pre-requisites :
Pause 360° during fan C

Pause 360° during fan C

une little variation of fan

This trick begins during the fan C.

Turn your fan quite slow. Stop it from turning and pay attention to let a left wrap on your left diabolo (the yellow in the video). Then you can begin to turn to the left and make the 360°. The left diabolo should remain "hung" by the wrap (as a standing lift), the other one stay down.

At the end of your 360°, you still have your wrap on the left diabolo, and a double twisted knot above your other diabolo. You have to unwrap your left diabolo and at the same instant, make a inner wrap on your other diabolo. The double twist is now converted in outer wrap !

Then you can continue your Fan C in making a "transfer". 

Figure écrite par amau.

© Thierry Bottaro